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Reduction in construction time with Fonn. Number in days
Savings on interest from construction loans
Total savings (USD)
Reduced number of errors/mistakes
Savings for main contractor
Savings as a result of more efficient project managers, communication and structure (USD)
Savings as a result of reduced travel time for project management (USD)
Total savings (USD)
Mistakes and errors
Savings on production time, due to reduction in errors/mistakes (USD)
Savings as a result in reduced travel time for project management (USD)
Savings on driving expenses (USD)
Savings as a result of reduced travel time (USD)
Total savings for main contractor (USD)
Savings on reduced material waste in CO2 equivalents (tons)
Savings due to reduced need for transportation in CO2 eq. (tons)
Total CO2 saving for main contractor (tons)
Savings for subcontractors
Mistakes and errors
Savings on production time, due to reduction in errors/mistakes (USD)
Savings on production time, due to reduction in errors/mistakes (hours)
Savings on production cost of material, due to reduction in errors/mistakes (USD)
Savings on driving expenses (USD)
Savings as a result of reduced travel time (USD)
Total savings for subcontractors (USD)
Savings on reduced material waste in CO2 equivalents (tons)
Savings due to reduced need for transportation in CO2 eq. (tons)
Total CO2 saving for subcontractors (tons)
Reduced transportation as a result of better coordination (main contractor)
Reduction in travel
Savings on driving expenses (USD)
Cost saving as a result of less time spent (USD)
Cost savings on transportation (USD)
CO2 savings on transportation (tons)
Total savings for main contractor (USD)
Total savings for subcontractors (USD)
Total cost savings (USD)
Total savings CO2 equivalents (tons)
The calculations are based on qualitative and quantitative surveys** with the client base we have in the UK today.
* Fonn cannot guarantee that the calculations from the ROI calculator will apply to your business.
The savings presuppose that the company today does NOT have a cloud-based, unified collaboration platform, which brings all project participants together with 1 solution.
** Calculation for savings is based on a survey conducted in May/June 2022 on behalf of Fonn. Qualitative interviews have been conducted with several of Fonn’s individual customers. In addition, we have used the following reports and sources for default values and industry standards: